Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bookshelf Gardens

I am a self-defined bookshelf gardener. You know, the kind that keeps small potted plants on top of their bookshelf because that's the only place in their apartment where there is room to do so. The kind that explores with different small plants, the exotic and the not so exotic. The kind that proudly displays these installations as thropies. The kind that forgets to water them once in a while.

And so on.

The question is: Where is the line one crosses... 
A) from where plants are the accessories to the furniture
B) to where plants are the feature and the furniture becomes the accessory

This role reversal is an interesting study of the role in which plants play in a given area, examining its significance in an area dedicated to different elements. To what purpose does each element in the area serve and what one gathers from this knowledge or acknowledgement.

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