Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Notes from Tues, Oct 8 brainstorm

Spaces of action
  • garden
  • home
  • street

  • gardener-user
  • camera
  • other gardeners
  • outsiders (neighbors, etc)

disjunctions / gaps
  • between gardeners in the same plot, who cannot share knowledge about their shared space
  • between gardeners in the same garden, who share knowledge serendipitously (and who may or may not see themselves as a "community")
  • between garden and outside neighborhood -- fence and locked gate separates spaces

sources of data
  • photos of garden
  • weather -- sun, rain, wind, temperature
    • visualization strategies (timeline, concentric circles
design suggestions
  • look for analogues of garden spaces in home: places where time passes, activity amount changes, places of beauty and calm
  • can we make something that could be customized to specific gardens? specific homes?
  • something that reacts to environmental conditions dynamically and directly - not digitally mediated
  • flipping the garden to see its roots
  • metaphor of soil for visual array of photos: speckled, textured
emotions / affective states
  • ephemerality, time passing
  • pleasure

questions to answer
  • what can/should a prototype discover in a week?
  • if a week is too short, what is the "right" deployment period?
  • what do people want to take photos of? why? what would they do with them (gift, souvenir, planning for future)?
  • where is the garden in the home? "nature"? where could it be?

proposed activities
  • wizard-of-oz study where we act as the photographer and follow around a gardener for a week.
  • home visits

goal: deployment completed in mid-Dec for paper in Jan

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