Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This is for those who enjoy the idea of keeping, growing, maintaining a plant and a pet. Now you can, but without actually doing all of the above. These popular gift items do it themselves.

How Ecospheres Work:

Filtered sea water is enclosed in a glass ornament along with microorganisms and algae. Indirect sunlight is absorbed by the algae, allowing the algae to produce food through photosynthesis. It releases oxygen and becomes a source of food for the microorganisms. The microorganisms produce organic waste that bacteria feeds on. Both the microorganisms and bacteria produce carbon dioxide, which the algae picks up and starts the cycle again.

These closed ecosystems are sealed with everything they need for years and are self-sustaining without the care of any outside element other than sunlight. There is an element of sterilization involved, very much contradictory to traditional gardening where one gets their hands dirty.

-novelty factor (innovative, unusual, miniature, great gift idea)
-responsibility factor (minimal work, minimal effort)

Another item to a collection of indoor plantlife.

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